badminton怎么读(About playing badminton)

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I haven’t played badminton for quite a long time. the ever-wanted badminton has long been hidden right there. 

Before I got the racket, I thought I just needed one so I tried to buy one when I had no extra money. I thought it was necessary, about the truth is once I got it, I played once or twice and then abandoned it for quite a long time, like say 6 months, However, I thought I just needed some exercises and decided to play it for a while yesterday. I actually did.

Maybe I haven’t played it quite a long time, I sprinkled my ankle yesterday. I guess I need to take a rest before I play badminton next time. However, I still think playing badminton is an excellent way to practice, seriously.

Actually, another thing I learned yesterday is that you can always be beaten by someone who practices every day. But even in the badminton court, my mind is still thinking about ico, about blockchain investment, seriously. 

I still feel that I need to grow in blockchain business. There are lots of knowledge to master and lots of pitfalls to avoid in this specific field and I just like it.

Xiao Laili once said, if you are a rookie in the blockchain business, others will recognize you and you will lose some money. 

This reminds me my playing badminton with those guys and even female players. They keep practicing all most every day without persistence. I suddenly thought I’d like to play once and I felt quite difficult to win one point but quite easy to lose one point.

Therefore, I guess I should try to do more exercises. 

I sprained my ankle and I guess I need do some other exercises. Just do it! 

One more thing:
Two pieces of advice for me and I as well.
Practice often, for doing so is the most important thing in the long run.
Do what you want to do immediately, cause you may not have a second chance to do it later, for death may be an uninvited stealer, who steals away your dreams for good at any time.

Hope your guys all like playing badminton. 



