【Part 2 1月新题】对家庭重要的东西—八大山人一幅画

what it is
when and howyour family got it
and explain why you have kept for a long time
I want to share you some information and stories about a picture in my grandpa’s house. It is said it could be dated back to Ming Dynasty, and it is mounted in a special case to protect the paint on the picture. Well, the picture is a traditional Chinese painting, about a mountain retreat and its surroundings. I don’t know a bit about painting, but someone in my family told me it was from a very famous Chinese artist called Ba Da Shan Ren, which means “cry and laugh together”. And also this “cry and laugh” guy was really someone that his works could be sold as high as 10 million dollars.
This picture could be dated back to my grandpa’s grandpa. He was a businessman at the beginning of 20 century. One day a customer came and wanted to change his belongings for money. Some desks, chairs, a few silver dished and this picture. At that time China was at civil war, so my grandpa’s grandpa only gave him a small money for all of this, he put the picture in a jar and then he buried the jar in the back yard of his house. So that’s how we had this picture and kept it during the civil war, world war II and second civil war.(注:在西方人眼中,中国20世纪初有两次内战,一次是北伐战争,一次是国共内战)
So this painting had passed from generation to generation in my family. A lot of people wanted to buy it, but all of them have been denied by my grandpa. But I have a different opinion, I am going to sell it as soon as I have the picture. It means nothing to me and I can’t understand its charm and beauty. All I want to do is to use the money to marry a super model, that’s is some of the real beautiful thing!

